People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

Why your database, not your building, is your church’s most important asset

Seven reasons to be strategic about your church management software

Data’s role in equipping the saints

Four misleading growth metrics

Four tips to ‘lead up’ with people who don’t value technology

The Church Leader’s Role with Technology

How to increase your effectiveness with church management software

How to avoid common first-impression mistakes

How technology helps you connect with different types of church members

Mastering the Fundamentals of Multi-Site

3 resolutions to make for your church management software

Office Administrators: End of Year FAQ

Use your Church Management System to reach more people this Christmas

5 ways to use Church Community Builder's new forms features

Counterfeit leadership prevents authentic life change

Everything an outreach pastor should know about church management software

4 ways technology helps you support volunteer leaders

4 resources to help improve the overall health of your church

3 ways church leaders can learn from business leaders

Alignment ... it's not just for your car

Get your church technology out of the weeds

Technology’s role in equipping the saints

7 keys for creating momentum in your church’s community building

How to leverage technology even when it doesn’t feel natural

How to make the best decision about your church management software

Technology doesn’t lead others, people do

Answering 2 important church management software questions in 90 seconds

7 steps to a more authentic church

How to prepare for successful software implementation

3 creative ideas for becoming an outward-focused church

How To: Turn first-time guests into fully engaged members

The key to effective delegation

Don't miss a single Church Community Builder update with CCBTech

8 easy ways to add more punch to your contribution statement

Don't miss out on uncertain times

Ending well in 2012

A discipleship opportunity many of us miss

Want to make people feel valued? Record what you know about them

9 measures of church member engagement

Should we stop planting churches?

What college football teaches us about church systems and processes

3 things to ponder BEFORE your church goes multi-site

7 ways to break the system of a catch and release ministry

“Catch and release” won't build the Kingdom

Church attendance does not equal church health

Community might be messy, but…

Church assimilation ... not easy but well worth the effort

Encouragement for every church planter

Relationships trump technology ... every time

Church volunteers - headache or heartbeat?

The first steps to attracting church volunteers

Change: The most dreaded word

How do you measure engagement?

Driving Digital Discipleship

Improving your volunteer systems

4 ways technology increases small group effectiveness

Top 5 posts on effective church processes

Get out of the office!

Ron Edmondson understands why we need community

A spring cleaning checklist for Church Management Software

Notes from my talk at Velocity Conference

The reason you're not moving forward might be... you

Your ChMS could be keeping you from making disciples

Top 10 reasons NOT to plant a church

Is your leadership an obstacle to community?

See you at Velocity! (And a word of encouragement for church planters)

Your church is either leading, influencing, or managing

Will Mancini on vision and execution

Church is all about the numbers

4 kinds of church mergers

4 things church leaders expect from their ChMS

Ways a lack of leadership kills great strategy

7 principles practiced by ineffective churches

4 business principles which apply to your church

Guest Post: The Value of a Good Search

Mark Driscoll talks about the gospel and community

7 ways effective connections will impact your church

An open letter of Thanksgiving to church leaders

Why church leaders should value the word “no”

10 ways NOT to clean up your church database

Missing People — Do you know who they are?

Tony Morgan and the next “Leisure Suit” eBook

CCB Partner shares their ChMS decision-making process

Church Technology 101: The purpose of your ChMS

Database conversations aren’t sexy...but they still matter

MAG talks about churches in the cloud

Measuring Impact: 5 practical ways to adapt without sacrificing your culture

Measuring Impact: Structure and process provide the path to meaningful metrics

Measuring Impact: Do Metrics and Community Mix?

Thanks for go figure it out

The ROI of Assimilation

The Cost of Making Disciples

10 ways to encourage your church to use Church Community Builder

Finding significance in technology and ministry

Church Community Builder has a leadership bias

10 things you can do today to build community

Guest Post: What makes Church Community Builder different

Moving from “many to one” in our engagement strategy

Relationships key to maximizing ministry impact

Tim Stevens inspires me

Churches should value implementation

See you at the Connected Church Conference!

Featuring 3 CCB churches

A 12-Step program to effective connections

Questions to ask about a ChMS

Relationships key to CCB success

Your church's Web site IS your first impression

CCB partners with Tony Morgan on eBook series

“Get Disciple Making Right” fuses technology and ministry

4 characteristics of making critical decisions

What your ChMS will never replace

4 things nonprofits do that churches don’t

5 advantages of a ChMS with one, shared database

7 things you should know about recruiting volunteers

5 warning signs about your ChMS

Top 7 questions churches NEVER ask about ChMS

5 reasons ChMS will never be plug-and-play

4 things that have nothing to do with church software
