4 Steps That Equip and Empower Your Church


When people in your church get excited about what God is doing in their lives and in the lives of those around them, they create a community where people want to grow spiritually and experience life change.

But all that growth and excitement has to start somewhere. And that ‘somewhere’ is discipleship.

Equipping and empowering church members to live out God’s intentions for His Church creates active disciples; it creates intentional disciples.

So how do you create and foster a church community that intentionally disciples even more people and equips them for ministry?

Here are four steps to engage more people by equipping and empowering them for your ministry:

1.  Accurately and honestly assess where you are now, being critical when necessary. Only an honest picture of where you are today can help you get to where you want to be tomorrow.

2. Know in detail what the ideal discipleship process would look like for your church in its present state.

3. Create a timeline to visually map where you are now to where you’d like to be, making sure to include actionable steps that encourage accountability.

4. Determine where, how and from what you can shift focus and attention so that everyone has the bandwidth to focus on making your equipped church a reality.

With an honest evaluation of what your church is, a detailed idea of what you want your church to become, and using church management software, create a roadmap for how you can get there, you enable your church leaders to equip and empower your church, fulfilling the call of Ephesians 4.

Download our eBook "The Ephesians 4 Church" to learn more about equipping and empowering your church and it's leaders.

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Posted by Church Community Builder on October 12, 2016