Annual Church Road Trip 2016

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October 23 - 29, 2016 saw our team here at Church Community Builder embark on their annual road trip. This year they travelled to Nashville, Tennessee, to connect with church partners and examine the areas of our software that are working for them and those that aren’t.

We’re committed to serving our church partners and church leaders the best way we can and it’s important for us to hear from them and know how we can better serve them.

"Visiting with our church partners, seeing where they do ministry, and hearing about how our software does (and doesn’t) work for them gives me invaluable information I use to help shape the future direction for our products." - Jeff Otero, Product Management, Church Community Builder.

Our team visited three churches, who use our software, to really gain an understanding of what's working and what's not. The time spent with them provided invaluable insight into how our software has helped their ministry, the pains they are experiencing, and what they would love to see developed in the future.

The annual road trip provides an opportunity for us to speak with our customers face-to-face, in the midst of their team, to get to see more clearly what they deal with, to tour their facilities, and to interact with them in a way that would not be possible online or remotely.

"I believe I was able to give these three churches hope. Hope that comes from being heard."    - Heather Sharp, Customer Success, Church Community Builder.

Hearing the pains as well the joys of what our church partners are experiencing really allows us to better understand them. The personal interaction that a trip like this provides allows for us to really assess how our software and coaching can better serve their needs and allow them to focus on what's important - their ministry.

"The road trip was a great physical reminder of our purpose as a company and, hopefully, my passion for the mission was visible to those we encountered. Being able to connect with those ‘on the ground’ gave me a renewed enthusiasm to provide the absolute best tools so they can focus on ministry..." - Rachael Meuller, Product Management, Church Community Builder.

Our mission is to empower church leaders through software and coaching, and our leaders relish the opportunity, every year, to be able to travel to places across the United States and connect with our church partners. We value them and are committed to serving and empowering them, and the road trip provides a perfect opportunity for us to learn how we can do that, better.

We're already looking forward to next year. 

Topics: This entry was posted in Conferences and Events

Posted by Church Community Builder on November 07, 2016