Best of The Blog 2016


Church Community Builder's blog is jam-packed with resources and valuable articles for church leaders with topics related to discipleship, church management, giving, volunteering, and technology to name a few. As we close the book on 2016 and look ahead to 2017, we thought we'd pause for a minute and look back at some of the most popular articles throughout the last year.


Here's a look at the 5 articles for 2016: 


1. 7 Realities of Discipleship

Often – and understandably – salvation is mistaken for a finish line. In reality, salvation is simply the first step on the journey of discipleship.


2. Volunteer Appreciation - 5 Ways to Say Thank You on a Budget

Your volunteers are imperative to ministry. They multiply your ability to reach others. They, once equipped are the benefactors of your ministry and the Church long after your time of service comes to an end. They are integral in building the foundation of your ministry that empowers it to sustain future growth.


3. Operational Metrics vs Missional Metrics

We track numbers in church for two main reasons: to guide operational decisions, and to gauge the effectiveness of our ministries. 

There is, therefore, value in keeping track of both sides of the coin. But what does that mean?Churches make countless decisions involving numbers, but often without real, factual, objective data. Too often money is spent, buildings are built, and ministries are planned based at least in part on anecdote and incomplete data. We make better operational decisions when they’re informed by high-quality data.


4. A Discipleship Journey Part 1 - From Member to Servant

Your church is only as strong as its discipleship. Don’t get us wrong – large attendance numbers are great, but they only account for the passive participants in your church. The true measure of a church’s impact is most accurately measured in those who heed the calling to go from audience to action – your disciples.


5.What Every Church Leader Needs to Know About Systems

While many churches utilize a number of systems to help them manage the metrics that help them carry out their mission, often, assimilation plays second fiddle to the biggest buzz-word goal for church leaders: discipleship.


What's coming in 2017? 

We have some really exciting content coming in 2017. Bookmark Church Community Builder's blog and be sure to stop by every now and then. If you have any suggestions for content you would love to see, drop us a comment below. Here's to 2017! 

Posted by Church Community Builder on December 30, 2016