Build Your Budget, Build the Kingdom


Lean in a little closer to your screen — because we’re about to let you in on a big secret about ministry planning and effectiveness.


Here it is: We’ve got a way you can create a plan that will rally all your church leaders and volunteers around your vision and make the best use of your God-given resources. And it’s hiding in the place you’d least expect … your church budget.

That’s right — your budget is the tool that you can leverage to create alignment around your church’s mission and vision, better integrate your staff and volunteer efforts across all ministries, and create an energizing sense of collaboration among all your stakeholders. An effective planning and budgeting process will make all your leaders better at executing on the vision God has given you for ministering to your community and reaching out to those who need to know Him.

And you don’t have to do it alone. We’ve partnered with the financial experts at MAG Bookkeeping, including their president Randy Ongie, to give you the step-by-step process you can follow to get your staff aligned and energized around their ministry goals for the coming year.

Randy joined us for a webinar last month to walk through the entire process — you can view the webinar recording here, and when you register to access the recording you’ll also get a copy of MAG’s newest ebook, Build Your Budget, Build the Kingdom.

Just click here to access these resource, then go build the Kingdom!

Topics: This entry was posted in Leadership Roles, This entry was posted in Blog, This entry was posted in Finance & Generosity

Posted by Church Community Builder on May 26, 2016