Church Community Builder Core Value: Fight for Amazing Experiences


Our organization is probably no different than any other in that it can get really hard to remember why we’re doing what we do. In the midst of the daily grind, we can lose our focus on what we’re supposed to be doing here in service of our church partners. That’s when we as a team, and I as a leader, need to head back to one of our core values — fight for amazing experiences.

That’s why we’re here, after all: to make sure our church partners have amazing experiences through our solutions. We need to actively fight against complexity and confusion, and always seek simplicity. That sounds so much easier than it really is, and I’m sure that’s a battle you fight in your churches as well. We want our solutions to always be simple — to use, to maintain, to upgrade, and to understand. Given the comprehensive nature of what we do … and what you do … that is anything but easy. And that’s why we have to fight for it!

Part of our “Fight for Amazing Experiences” value statement says that we want our solutions to be “functionally meaningful and emotionally delightful”, which is a pretty heavy burden to put onto a product, no matter how awesome we think it might be. That means we at Church Community Builder can’t be thinking about ourselves when we’re designing and enhancing any part of the user experience. We’ve got to be thinking about you, our end users. We want you to love using our system and interacting with our people. We want you to get the data you need out of our systems quickly and easily, so you can see how your people are growing in discipleship.

When we, like all of you, get stuck in the weeds of our day-to-day activities, our core value of “Fight for Amazing Experiences” helps us refocus on what really matters — all of you, and the work you’re doing to help people grow in their faith. 

What values do you fight for as your church grows more complex?

Topics: This entry was posted in Leadership Roles, This entry was posted in Blog

Posted by Steve Caton on March 31, 2016