HAPPY NEW YEAR! Time to Start Planning Year-End Giving


We know. You just wrapped up 2016 with all its busyness and holidays and festivities and services and parties and cheer.

But there is one thing that cannot wait until the end of the year: year-end giving. And yes, we realize the name is a bit of a misnomer as its very verbiage suggests that it’s something that can wait until, well, the end of the year. But it can’t. And it shouldn’t.


It’s been said that "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."


And the same holds true for fostering generosity in our congregants. So we’ve compiled a few of our favorite posts about year-end giving to get you (back) in the spirit (and mindset) of giving so you can sow today what you can hope to reap in less than 12 months. And as we all know, those 12 months can creep up on us … and quickly!


Five Tips to Improve Year-End Giving:

Creating a year-end giving project will breathe new life into the generosity culture of your church. A well-designed, well-executed giving project can strengthen your ministry’s entire generosity culture, not just for the year’s end but for the long haul.


7 Changes That Will Impact Your Church Giving:

Establish a ‘culture of generosity’ in your church by engaging donors and taking them from casual givers to passionate evangelists with seven changes to your overall culture of church giving.


Understanding The Numbers Behind Planned Giving:

Effectively create a strategy for funding the future vision of your church by providing real-world examples of how your church can communicate the importance of planned giving to fund the mission of your church for years to come.


Take a Practical Look at Giving:

Whether or not you currently employ online or mobile giving solutions, they’re worth considering to help your church take advantage of technology that can take your ministry’s generosity to the next level.



5 Reasons You Should Prioritize Your Year-End Giving Strategy:

The most immediate benefit of a year-end giving campaign is increased giving. We can all celebrate this result, but planning this initiative with care and executing with excellence will add far greater value.


When we’ve found ourselves in need, we have trusted God and He has so faithfully provided exactly what we’ve needed just when we’ve needed it.


And in return, we give sacrificially to God and ask that others do the same; we ask people to be uncomfortably generous. And the time to ask people to give is now. And tomorrow. And next month. And every month thereafter.

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Topics: This entry was posted in Giving

Posted by Church Community Builder on January 04, 2017