James 1:27 - An Associate’s Perspective


“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27


At Church Community Builder, we want to use our influence to further God’s kingdom and the spiritual development of our staff. Using James 1:27 as inspiration, we give 5 days of paid leave to associates who want to do something tangible to care for orphans, widows, and vulnerable single-parent families who need help.


One associate who took advantage of this initiative is Mitch Martin, a member of our Software Development Team.


For many years, Mitch has felt a deep calling to serve the people of India by sharing the Gospel of Jesus with them and ministering to their needs.


Prior to joining Church Community Builder, Mitch had the opportunity to move to India for a period of 6 months through his job. He became heavily involved in the slum ministries, evangelism and church planting. Upon his return to the U.S., the opportunity to live in India while remaining with his current employer was no longer a reality.


Mitch was well acquainted with Church Community Builder from years of experience with our software and when a position on the Software Development team came open, he applied. He was totally sold out to the purpose statement of the organization, ‘Helping churches grow disciples’, and thrilled to be supporting it with his skills. When he learned about the James 1:27 initiative, he thought it was a match made in heaven, literally. The fact that the owners of Church Community Builder would put their money where their mouth was, resonated loudly with him.


Mitch has taken advantage of using the 5 paid days of leave to go back and minister in India several times. In fact, he recruited another associate to join him this last year. His heart is to engage others in God’s work in India so they can make that personal connection with Kingdom building throughout the world.


Being on staff at Church Community Builder has fit well with his calling and even narrowed his focus to widows and orphans.


On his trips he presents a brand new sari or blanket to widows. The sari is a cloth, generally 6 yards long, that is draped around a petticoat and blouse. This garment is instrumental in women feeling valued and having a high self-esteem in the culture of India.


The alignment of the culture and values of Church Community Builder with Mitch’s values has confirmed for him that, ‘I am in the right place.’ To share a passion and commitment with the organization you are working for is empowering and heart-filling.

Topics: This entry was posted in Community & Culture

Posted by Church Community Builder on March 02, 2017