Mobile Ministry: A view from the front lines!


If you've followed our blog over the last 12–18 months, you have seen a regular stream of content around mobile and how your church can best take advantage of it.

As we were creating the popular ebook Ministry Gone Mobile, we had the chance to connect with Jim Peich at Morning Star Church and Jake Necessary of Crosspoint Church to discuss some of the biggest lessons they’ve learned since adopting mobile as part of their ministry strategy. Here are a few tips they shared.

10 mobile ministry tips from the front lines

  1. “Design the mobile app from the mobile users’ perspective and not the church staff’s perspective. Think about what labels and headings a mobile user would be expecting to see to accomplish a specific task or find certain information, and design it that way.”
  2. “Reference your mobile app at least once during every worship service in some way and use push notifications to demonstrate the value of the app and to remind them that they have the app.”
  3. “Have a small group test the mobile app for a month before announcing it to the full congregation.”
  4. “Make sure the back-end processes are in place to act on the information and requests you collect via the mobile app.”
  5. “Spend time creating a list of content ideas for a mobile app and identify everything you’d like it to do before the app is built.”
  6. “Integrate the app with the church’s website and church management software.”
  7. “Communicate the features of the app well to the congregation to ensure a full understanding of the power of mobile.”
  8. “Ensure that your oldest and youngest members feel comfortable with the app.”
  9. “Sample design options of the mobile app icons and design elements to make sure your app both looks good and functions properly.”
  10. “Build an awareness program to motivate interest and to maintain its use.”

Mobile provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to minister to the body of Christ throughout the week and wherever they are. Download the ebook to learn how you can begin leveraging mobile for ministry.

How is your church capitalizing on mobile this year?

Topics: This entry was posted in Leadership Roles, This entry was posted in Blog, This entry was posted in Executive Pastor

Posted by Steve Caton on March 15, 2016