Webinar Notes: 9 keys for multiplying leaders in your church

One of the things we love doing at Church Community Builder is to bring in and learn from church leaders who are doing things that resonate with the core of who we are. When it comes to multiplying disciples and leaders within a church, Alex Absalom is one of the most innovative minds out there.

Earlier this month, we had the chance to sit down with Alex as part of our webinar series to discuss how his church created an intentional process using church management software for making disciples who are equipped to go and make more disciples. In case you missed it or you weren’t able to type thoughts during the webinar, here are some of the highlights:

  • Creating a healthy leadership pipeline within your church is more about a process than a magic solution. (tweet this)
  • Multiplying leaders requires a shift from “we do it and you can help” to “you can do it and here’s how we’ll help.” (tweet this)
  • Churches experience exponential growth when they disciple in community and build a leadership pipeline. (tweet this)
  • Discipleship is the engine that drives the mission. In turn, your mission makes disciples. (tweet this)
  • A church that multiplies leaders releases control and empowers, but always holds people accountable to the mission. (tweet this)
  • If we have a culture where we’re releasing people for ministry, the counterbalance to that is accountability. (tweet this)
  • If we’re going to create more disciples by releasing people to go, we need a simple model for accountability. (tweet this)
  • Reflecting your values is a way of equipping the people you disciple to start equipping the people they disciple. (tweet this)
  • Don’t be afraid to send people out to disciple others before they’re ready. That’s a part of lifelong discipleship. (tweet this)

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to adapt your current system, you’ll walk away with a biblical and practical framework for building or refining your discipleship strategy for leadership development.

What are some specific ways your church is intentionally working to multiply leaders and disciples within your church?

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Posted by Steve Caton on September 02, 2013