What is Godly Leadership?


Leadership is when a person’s action and words rally followers – supporters – to reach a goal. And you can find leaders literally everywhere – from the grocery store to the library to the playground. So what specifically distinguishes a leader from a godly leader? Let’s break it down.

The Goal: The goal(s) of a godly leader are – of course – to give glory to God. And thankfully, God gave us the Bible as our playbook. Scripture helps guide godly leaders to inspire godliness in others, move people to worship, honor Jesus and promote love for all of God’s people.

The Following: Godly leadership doesn’t play by middle school cafeteria rules – all are welcome, wanted and loved. Every person a godly leader inspires to follow the path of Jesus is another person with a heart ready to love, and a spirit for the glorification of God.

The Servant: To serve is to lead. It really is. In the short term, a powerful message and magnetic presence can inspire others, but for long-term, sustainable reach and motivation, a godly leader needs to be ready, willing and able with sleeves rolled up to talk the talk and walk the walk.

The Humble: While you may have a literal or figurative spotlight on you as a godly leader, all the real shine should always go to God. A godly leader doesn’t step up for personal gratification; a godly leader steps up as a docent of sorts to direct your attention to all that matters – all that ever really matters – our relationship with Christ.

Great power and influence can really impact a person’s spiritual compass. The lights are bright and the crown is heavy. But a great leader – a godly leader – tries to always take an active approach to staying the course, rather than passively setting cruise control.

When people know a leader is inspired, they’re inspired. When they know a leader follows, they too will follow. When people know a leader who serves, they will serve, too. When people know a leader with a humble heart, they will be humble. A godly leader has to practice what they – literally – preach.

A pure heart with selfless intentions and a generous spirit is powerful; it’s magnetic. And a godly leader who lives and leads by example is a leader people will want to follow.

Posted by Church Community Builder on November 16, 2016