Why Data Is Essential for Better Relationships


At Church Community Builder, we’re focused first on help you improve the way you do ministry. We just happen to use technology solutions to do that. These technology solutions make it easier to capture data and see what ministry trends are emerging from that data, and that’s vital information for any ministry. But if we (and you) are focused only on tracking that data, people can start to feel less like community members and more like an experiment — and that’s the absolute last thing we want. Tracking data doesn’t yield anything if we forget about the people behind that data.

What makes you feel valued by the people and organizations in your life? We’re guessing it’s when a person or organization calls out something unique about you. Isn’t it better to hear you’re “really great at helping new people feel included in a group” rather than that you’re “friendly”? Each of us wants to feel valued and known for the unique blend of gifts that God has given us, rather than just being one of the crowd.

Technology can help us do just that for our church members and regular attenders. It can help us remember what we know about people just as much as it helps us track key metrics in the church. It enables us to value people — and show them we value them — at a whole new level. People will know they matter to us, rather than feeling like a number on a report.

What can you track about the people in your church to help enhance your relationships with them? How about...

  • Spiritual gifts
  • Unique strengths and abilities
  • Passions and interests
  • Personality traits
  • Events attended
  • Programs or causes supported (either financially or by attendance)
  • Specific behaviors in ministry (invites people, serves, shares information on social media, takes on leadership roles, etc.)

Church Community Builder software is designed to help you track this data.

  • Online forms and surveys enable you to gather information quickly. Just make sure you can easily connect the information you’ve collected with the record for each person completing the form.
  • Small group management tools help your leaders record what they’re learning as they get to know the people in their groups.
  • Connected with those forms and various tools, your church website can be more than just an online brochure. Make it the go-to hub for people to access your forms and tools.

Gathering data is great, but using that data to help the people in your church feel more connected to your ministry, to each other, and to Christ is pretty darn amazing. We’d love to help you do that in any way we can.

Tell us — how has data helped you better connect with your congregation? What tools are you missing that could make connecting easier for you?

Topics: This entry was posted in Leadership Roles, This entry was posted in Blog, This entry was posted in Executive Pastor

Posted by Steve Caton on April 12, 2016