You understand church communications isn't really about controlling a brand or a message. It's about what people hear and how that inspires them to move towards the place you want for them.

2 things your church can learn from Cirque Du Soleil

How many people could you reach if everyone who came to your church on Sunday left wanting to tell a friend about the service? What if even 50 percent of the people were inspired to invite others to come with them the next week?

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3 ways your church blog will enhance discipleship

Would you believe me if I told you that your blog could be one of your church’s best discipleship tools? Earlier this year, Church Tech Today shared a post with 10 Must-Write Church Blog Posts for 2013. As I looked through the list, I found three ideas that could enhance your church’s discipleship in less than one or two hours a week.

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A communication principle every church leader should understand

As a church leader, do you struggle to get your ideas across to your staff? Are you pouring a lot of energy into messages, but don’t feel like anyone is motivated to act on them?

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How to: stay informed about church ministry trends

My life is busy. Too busy. I suspect you feel the same way.

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