Your role goes way beyond managing income and expenses. Through the lens of church finances you help your leaders see the evidence of discipleship, maturity, and commitment to the calling of your church.

Why every senior pastor should know who gives

Giving might possibly be one of the strongest indicators of life change in the heart of a disciple. Yet when it comes to measuring spiritual growth through generosity, many church leaders are missing it. Christianity Today recently printed some sobering statistics on evangelical senior pastors and giving:

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Why most churches miss the opportunity to cultivate online giving

When online giving started to become a more popular option for nonprofits in 2010, churches were slow to respond. Fortunately, more and more churches have started offering online giving for their members over the past few years. As of last year, 93 percent of churches offered online giving through their website. However, many church leaders are frustrated because they can’t understand why more people aren’t using it to give.

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4 ways Moneyball can help all church leaders improve ministry

In 2014, every church should be using data-driven insight to make smarter, more informed decisions. We live in a time where data is more accessible and easily consumable than ever. Ignoring this data is like buying a car right off the lot without ever comparing prices or checking reviews and ratings online. It’s simply bad stewardship.

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5 ways to lead your multi-site campus from start-up to self-sufficiency

This is a guest post from Nathan Artt, founder of Ministry Solutions. Nathan brings incredible insights on church financial health and the 'stories that numbers tell' that very few others talk about. Today he shares valuable tips that will help your multi-site campus become self-sufficient in the shortest time possible.

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