Your role goes way beyond managing income and expenses. Through the lens of church finances you help your leaders see the evidence of discipleship, maturity, and commitment to the calling of your church.

How online giving can stabilize overall giving in your church

A few days ago, I ran across this Huffington Post article mentioning that charitable giving will likely continue to flatline throughout 2013. While the article doesn’t highlight giving within churches specifically, I’ve had enough conversations with pastors to conclude that most churches aren’t that far off from other charities in these overall nonprofit giving reports.

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6 questions to prepare your church finances for tax season

It’s April, which means that tax season is in high gear and accountants across the country are stressed. After your church finance team has spent countless hours combing through the numbers, the last thing they want to do is deal with the pressure and questions of auditing.

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How uncertain times can kill your church

Vision Room is one of my favorite new leadership resources. Pulling perspectives from both church and business leaders, the site provides a broad range of insights on topics like vision, communication, process, and culture. If you haven’t checked it out, I highly encourage you to subscribe today.

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Gain a lenders perspective on church financial health

Although the economy seems to be recovering, a lot of church leaders I talk to are still nervous about taking the next steps to grow their ministries. Even some churches that are at capacity are not sure it's the right time to initiate a major capital campaign.

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