Which Hat Do you Wear?

leader of

leader of
small groups

leader of

leader of

leader of
missions & outreach

leader of

leader of


Campus Pastor


Leader of
Finance & Generosity



Every church rises and falls on the backs of leaders, and every leader has one or more roles to play. Each of these roles represents those we get to support and encourage with our software, coaching, and tribes. We have organized the content on this blog so you can easily find what is most relevant to the leadership you provide to your church. You will be happy to know most of our people have actually served in one or more of these roles as well. They can write about this stuff because they have actually lived it!

5 ways churches can maximize the mobile ministry opportunity

The mobile strategies I see churches deploying today feel very similar to what I saw happening with websites back in the early 2000s. In those days, the common mantra was ... JUST DO IT! Everyone knew that you had to have a website if you wanted to be ‘relevant’, but little thought was given to what? How? And why? These questions were pushed aside in a rush to get something — anything — on the web. Few churches were asking how a website could help them achieve more purposeful goals like engaging people and moving them towards deeper connection and community.

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Celebrate what you want to replicate

I’m a strong believer in the idea that what gets celebrated gets replicated. As church leaders, we understand the goal of ministry. We know the kind of spiritual growth we’re trying to cultivate in the life of every single person who walks through our doors. But what about the people in the pews? Do they understand what success looks like when it comes to growing in their discipleship journey?

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Advancing Your Mission Through Better Dashboards

These are exciting times at Church Community Builder! In addition to reaching major milestones on terms of the number of churches we serve and the number of associates on our team, we have now completed our first business acquisition! On November 16, we finalized the purchase of ChurchNumbers from Idibri. ChurchNumbers is a visual dashboard that allows church leadership to make better decisions by being able to track real-time data in clear and actionable ways.

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Aligning Aspirations and Actions

I say a lot of things I don’t actually do. I don’t intend to lie, or even drop the ball. It is just that I don’t seem to be able to execute consistently what I envision in the future. The gap between what we say and what we do can be hard to acknowledge. In fact, I used to really beat myself up for this, but as it turns out, I am not alone in this gap between what I espouse and what I actually produce. 

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