Partner Webinar Series – Three More Integrations

Presenters Include: James Garner (BombBomb), David Thoroughman (MortarStone) and Jax Caroll (BlueFire)
February 18, 2015  

This quarter, we’re hosting a whole new set of webinars from some of our partners. On February 18, you’ll learn about valuable metrics that can help you maintain a healthy church, about the power of comprehensive giving tools, and about how video can be a compelling force to reach out and connect with your community. Join us February 18th as we hear from leaders of BombBomb, MortarStone and BlueFire.

BombBombThis presentation will answer the question, “Why is video such a powerful tool in building relationships with your church community?” There will also be sharing about real-life examples of how other church leaders are using BombBomb’s platform to reach out and build up their ministries and their people.

Contact BombBomb

MortarStoneMetrics can be confusing, but they shouldn’t be. Weekend attendance and annual giving are two common measurements of church health, and yet oftentimes they can be misleading. In 25 minutes, you will learn three metrics you should be tracking and how they can help catalyze your church growth in both giving and weekend attendance.

Contact MortarStone

BlueFireYou’ll get an overview of BlueFire’s powerful suite of giving tools, including how to put a giving form on your website in less than 60 seconds, how to set up text giving, how integration and donor matching works, and how simple and accurate account reconciliation can be. Afterwards, you’ll have a chance to ask whatever questions you may have about giving solutions and BlueFire.

Contact BlueFire

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Topics: This entry was posted in Webinars

Posted by Brian Ferris on Feb 18, 2015 2:00:00 AM