Preferred Service Provider Webinar Series - Pastorsline and CCBChimp


Join us to hear from Jason Alexis, creator of both the PastorsLine and the CCBChimp applications, about how your church can drive engagement while saving time using one of or both of these two tools! 

This webinar will cover:

  • An elaboration on church communication.

  • Learn the ways that top churches are using text messaging.

  • Improve your church communications and reduce your workload by integrating Church Community Builder with PastorsLine.

  • Why most guest follow-up systems fail and how PastorsLine helps fix this.

  • How to sync all of your CCB contacts, groups and saved searches into your MailChimp account.



tip.png Your Webinar Registration also enters you into a drawing for 2 free tickets to the {BUILD} Gathering!


pastors_line_logo_color.png The PastorsLine platform was created to make it super easy to stay connected with people and to engage with a mobile generation! PastorsLine is a well-designed system that promotes good conversation; which means your church has a better follow-up process. This system focuses on both ends of the communication cycle and allows your team to communicate effectively without the hassle


CCBchimp_logo.pngAll the great Relationship-building tools AND #1 Newsletter Platform. You will be able to manually sync your groups and saved searches in addition to automatic syncing. Great option to have full control over how your data is displayed. Church Community Builder + MailChimp = CCBChimp.



tip.png Your Webinar Registration also enters you into a drawing for 2 free tickets to the {BUILD} Gathering!

Topics: This entry was posted in Webinars, This entry was posted in Resources

Posted by Church Community Builder on Jun 7, 2017 11:36:33 AM