Empowering Leaders With the Metrics They Need

Here at Church Community Builder, we believe that better data enables better decisions. Where gut instinct, anecdotes, and best guesses can mislead, objective data cuts through the haze and provides solid information to consider. Whether the decisions you’re making are about facilities, finances, discipleship growth, or more, the stakes are high for you as a church leader — sometimes even eternal. The data you need has to be easy to find, customize, and compare.

Starting on August 25, our revamped Metrics dashboard will give you that data, helping you learn more about your church than ever before. If your church has the Deluxe version of our software, your new Metrics tools will automatically give you even more access to and control over the kind of data you need to see.

Create and Customize Your Metrics

The Master Administrator and Executive Pastor will have full control over the metrics in your site. Create as many metrics as your church needs, in as much detail as you need. You can customize each metric to your heart’s content — name, included data, number format, calculation method, display type, organization, and order of metrics on the dashboard. Whether you need five general metrics or fifty specific ones, you can customize to fit your needs.

Share Just the Metrics Each Leader Needs

Give specific leaders access to the unique metrics that they need, without sharing more than you wanted them to see. The Master Administrator and Executive Pastor can assign customized dashboards to any leadership role in the system, so your Children’s Pastor and your Financial Admin aren’t looking at the same metrics. We’re also introducing a brand new leadership role of Board Member, so you can give your church board access to the data they need to see, too.


Choose How You Want to Display Your Metrics

Metrics don’t have to stay just on your dashboard. You have the option to view all your metrics as weekly, monthly, or quarterly charts.

Compare Across Campuses

If your church is multi-site, each campus means another set of data to keep track of. We make it easy with cross-campus metric comparisons.

Keep Your Data History

Church Community Builder is storing years’ worth of historical data for your church. The Metrics feature doesn’t let that go to waste. View and compare years of historical data, complete with year-by-year comparisons and trend views.

Export and Print

Need data on the go? You can export images and data from your metrics charts and even print your dashboard.

Interested in learning more? You can dive into the details of the Metrics functionality at the Help Desk or check out our version comparison to read more about the powerful features available with the Deluxe version of Church Community Builder. Our mission is to help churches like yours grow disciples, so we’re excited to bring you this powerful new tool on August 25!

Get in-depth training on our new Metrics 

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Posted by Updates Team on Aug 4, 2016 10:00:00 AM