-BETA- February–April 2015: Dashboards

Serving church leaders is at the core of our DNA. Church leaders are the target users for most of the features in the Church Community Builder software and for almost all of our non-software resources. You may have heard that we are creating a number of tools and resources aimed at serving the Executive Pastor; well, that's starting with the February–April beta.

The Executive Pastor Dashboard

Say hello to the Executive Pastor dashboard! This is the place for the Executive Pastor to find key metrics about giving, attending, and serving in their church or campus; blogs, white papers, and other resources aimed at helping them grow in their role; and information about Tribes, peer-to-peer learning groups based on what you do at your church. The dashboard is a resource designed specifically for you!

The Executive Pastor dashboard includes three key metrics that help XPs better understand the health of their church. Each tab includes a line graph and data to give a clear overview of recent trends in giving, attending, and serving. While these don't tell everything there is to know about the church, they provide markers of health that can now be easily and regularly monitored, all on one page.

Giving Metric

The Giving view compiles the weekly giving of the previous two years and plots them against each other.


Want to see the data from a specific week? Hover over that week's spot on the graph and watch the numbers update! You'll see the total amount given, average amount given per family that gave gifts, and the number of families that gave. You can select all or specific COA categories that you want included, so you get the most useful data for what you need.


Attendance Metric

The Attending view shows attendance trends of the previous year against that same data of the previous year. As with the giving, hover over a specific week you want to look at. You'll see the total number of people who attended, a rolling 52-week average, and a percentage change from the prior year. Want to hone in on specific attendance groupings? Filter your data via the groupings button below the graphs to continue to keep the data useful to your needs.

Serving Metric

The Serving view gives you a quick look into how many people filled scheduled positions in a certain week and plots that over the past couple of years, so you, again, have a clear year-to-year look. As with the previous metrics, the display will update live as you hover over the data you're looking for. This metric uses the same groupings that you selected for attendance to filter the data.

This view provides two metrics to help you take a deeper dive into your serving numbers: Serving Rate and Retention Rate. Serving rate is calulated by taking the number of people serving that week and dividing it by your rolling 52-week average attendance. This should help you see what percentage of your church is actively serving. Want to know how many volunteers continue serving? Retention Rate quantifies that for you, by taking the number of people confirmed in schedules for the past three months and dividing that by the number of people confirmed in schedules for the past six months. Just like that, you have the percentage of people that have continued serving.

Equipping Resources

Our commitment to serving church leaders has spurred a desire to produce helpful and relevant resources to teach, train and encourage leaders — so the dashboard is more than just metrics. While this content has its home on our blog, we've brought it directly into your dashboard, keeping it at your fingertips and making it easy for you to access the latest role-specific resources we deliver to encourage and equip church leaders.



Are you a member of a Tribe? Your Tribe section provides you with easy access to communicate with or find out about what's happening in your Tribe. Or perhaps do you want to get more information about how to join a Tribe? This section will get you set up to take the next step toward learning more about or joining a Tribe.


Dashboard Access

After you're assigned the Executive Pastor leadership role (see below), when you login, you will see 'EXECUTIVE PASTOR' in your menu (or an XP icon if your menu is collapsed). You'll also see a quick view of your metrics on your home page. Those links will take you directly to your dashboard, where you can find all of this great information.

Leadership Roles

It's easy to make sure your Executive Pastor gets their dashboard. Your Master Admin can identify who fills each leadership role from the new Leadership tab in the campus settings.


For the past two years, we've been asking our church partners to help us identify their people in leadership roles. Where possible, we'll use this information to pre-populate the new leadership role interface. As the Master Admin, you'll want to go to that interface when it is released so you can confirm any existing matches and enter any missing matches.

We'll give you a reminder for this, too. If your campus has unfilled leadership roles, we'll give you an Attention Needed notification to remind you to update your campus' leadership roles. You can update the roles, or, if your church doesn't have a specific position, you can turn that role off. Don't forget to update roles for each campus!

More Features

New Report: Leadership Roles

When you've assigned all the leadership roles, you might want to view all the roles and who fills them. You can access a simple report that lists all the roles, who fills them, and at which campus. It's accessible from the My Reports dropdown when you're on a campus' settings page, as well as on the People tab of your Reports page.

Topics: This entry was posted in Beta Notes

Posted by Updates Team on Dec 28, 2015 4:59:28 PM