-BETA- June-September

There's a lot of good stuff in the current beta cycle!

Group Participant Report

There's a new report in town! With this Group Participant report, you can see all current and/or previous participants in a group, all groups in a department, or all groups in a group type. You're even able to include a saved search filter to narrow down the results. If you've ever wanted to see 'who used to be in this group' or 'has John ever been in a small group', now you can! And with the saved search option, the possibilities are endless.


New Process Queue Links

Ever been in that awkward situation where you see something on a web page that looks like a button, so you click it, but then nothing happens? Nobody likes that. Well, you can turn that frown upside down. Those little tags or statuses in a Process Queue are now links! Want to see everyone in the Queue who is In Process? Just click the green box. How about those who are unassigned? Click it. Waiting? Click it!


Queue Links

You can do this on both the process overview page as shown above and on the queue detail page. It's a small change that we hope will fix a common frustration!

A Better Message Search Tool

Perhaps when you've used the message search tool in the past, you've discovered you still couldn't find what you're looking for. The search tool was great at searching the subject of messages, but it didn't search the message body, or the comments. Well, we're happy to introduce an improved message search tool.


Message Search

Now when you search for a word or phrase in messages, it'll look in the subject, the message body, and all the comments. When it finds an exact match, it'll highlight the results for you, making them easy to find. If the results are below where the message body is cut off, it will highlight the 'read more' link, so you know to click there, and if the match is found in one of the comments, that will be highlighted.

Topics: This entry was posted in Beta Notes

Posted by Church Community Builder Marketing Team on Dec 30, 2015 2:53:15 PM