December 2015: First Fixes


As we talked about in this post, we're dedicating these next few months to hunting down bugs and little improvements we can make to make your and your church members' experiences with our software better. Everything on this list is going live on December 9! Stay tuned for more updates to this post about the first set of fixes coming your way.


  • Public calendar campuses: The default view for the public calendar was showing events from all campuses, while the dropdown would show a specific campus name. We've fixed this so the events displaying on the calendar always reflect the campus showing in the dropdown.
  • Facilities Calendar: When viewing their Facilities Calendar, a Facilities Admin can now see all events using their campus's rooms and resources even if the group creating the event belongs to a different campus.


  • Check Out Report: The Check Out report now includes a column for 'Photo ID'. Also, if the pickup person was manually entered using the 'Other' fields, that individual's information shows up as a check-out record on the report.
  • Security code printing: When a family checked a child in at a station set up to print only name tags, and then checked in another child at a station set up to print labels with security codes, the parents' pick-up tags were not printing. We've fixed this so parent pick-up tags now print as desired on the station set up to print security codes, regardless of previous check-ins in the family.
  • Room Roster report: When printing the Room Roster report within Check-In, the software was generating and printing a cover page. When we asked, it said something about proper APA formatting and then sank into mumbles. We've removed this unnecessary cover page from the print experience so the user can get right to the room rosters.


  • Sending emails to people with special characters in their names: When trying to send an email to someone from the Send Email link in one's Friends list, the system wasn't allowing emails to be sent to individuals with an apostrophe or other special character in their last name. We made it so our software properly handles special characters in this instance and those individuals can now be emailed.


  • Recurring events with out-of-pattern first occurrences: When creating a recurring event where the first occurrence didn't match the rest of the pattern, the first occurrence was not showing on the calendar. We've fixed this so all occurrences of an event show on the calendar, even if the first event breaks the recurring pattern.
  • CK Editorin event descriptions and invite text: When creating or editing an event, if a user entered improper HTML code in the Description field, the event page would break and not show all the event information. We added a simple CK Editor to help with text styling in both the event's Description field and the Email Text for inviting people. We no longer allow HTML tags to be entered to format text in those areas.
  • Did Not Meet: When receiving the one-hour-before attendance reminder email, the 'Did Not Meet' button was not working. We made sure it is clickable and takes the user to the correct page.


  • ProfitStars confusing error message: When setting up an RDC ProfitStars account under RDC Merchant Settings and clicking the blue 'Start Test' link at the bottom of the dialogue box without putting anything into the 'Merchant Id' and 'Location Id' boxes, there was an error message that referenced BluePay terminology. We fixed this so the error message reflects ProfitStars terminology and helps the user understand what needs to be entered for successful setup.
  • ProfitStars refund processing: When attempting to process a refund from ProfitStars, the modal to select the COA category for the refund was not loading. We made sure this modal now loads as expected.


  • Director change warning notice: When going to change a group's Director, the software warns that Limited Access Users will not show up in the search results because they are unable to be Directors. Our warning note somehow missed including the 'Director' position name as it should. We've added it.
  • Public Group Search: When emailing group leaders from the public group search, an individual saw a button that said 'Email Leader' ... which actually sends a message to all of the leaders. We've clarified the text of the button to say 'Email Leader(s)', clarifying that all group leaders will be emailed.

Mail Merges

  • Test Mail Merges sent on another's behalf: When someone was sending a test email to themselves via Mail Merge, but on behalf of someone else, the sender's name on the test email wasn't the name of the individual on whose behalf it was meant to be sent. This made it seem like the 'send of behalf of' option was not working. We've fixed it so both sending a personal test email and sending the actual merge reflect the 'sent on behalf of' name in the 'From' field.
  • Previous Recipients List report: An individual with the Mail Merge admin privilege previously did not have access to the Previous Recipients List as a contextual report when working with Mail Merges. Now when working with a specific mail merge message, these people can find the Previous Recipients List as a contextual report under the My Reports icon in the header.
  • Deceased Spouses on mailing labels: When using a Mail Merge to create mailing labels for a Primary Contact and Spouse, if the Spouse was deceased, we were including their name on the mailing label. We've changed this to filter out deceased and inactive profiles so those names no longer show up on the mailing labels.


  • Mail Merge recipients and Android devices: Users were unable to save or select recipients for a Mail Merge from an Android device. We heard the sound of shots fired in the mobile platform war and quickly fixed the bug before the Apple Army came recruiting.


  • Need Request emails: When a Need Coordinator was informing group members about a newly created need, there were instances where more than one Need Request email was being sent. We've fixed this so only one notification email is sent out.

Process Queues

  • Managers adding to Processes: When a Process Manager attempted to add an individual to a Process from that individual's profile, the Process Manager could see and add to every Process in the campus, not just those they managed. We fixed this so the only Process Queues that show up are ones the Process Manager actually manages.


  • Church Leadership Only privacy setting: Profile items with the privacy setting 'Church Leadership Only' are now visible to Coaches and Directors of that individual's groups.
  • Deceased Primary Contacts: We improved the logic to make sure that a family still has a Primary Contact and the family relationships make sense when the current Primary Contact is marked as deceased.
  • Inactive position involvement: When looking at position involvement in a profile under Involvement > Positions > Positions with a status, there was nothing indicating which, if any, positions were inactive. To bring greater clarity, we've added an (Inactive) tag next to any inactive positions.


  • General Improvements: Reports are continuing to receive numerous improvements, including in the report settings modals, outputs, title, headers, 'Actions' drop-down menu, contextual reports, fonts, number formats, sorting, tooltip information, data alignment, totals, and printing.
  • Schedule Detail: When receiving a scheduled report email for the 'Schedule Detail' report, the 'run report' button was producing a blank white page. It's been given a stern reprimand and is now fetching the report properly like we pay it to.
  • Event List: The CSV export of the 'Event List' report was listing the date and time under the 'date' column, while also displaying the start and end times in other columns. Now the date column only shows the date.
  • Birthday List export: When exporting the 'Birthday List' report to Excel, the 'Birthday' column was showing '12/31/99' instead of the actual birth dates. We've fixed it so the Excel output is correct and the same format as the onscreen experience.
  • General Improvements, pt. 2: We made the following report printing improvements: not allowing words to wrap mid-word, reducing font size to match previous font for reports with 15–20 columns, and reducing padding between columns to maximize page space.
  • Printable Directories and saved search results: If you wanted to create a Printable Directory using a saved search, the software was not refining the report results to reflect the saved search criteria. We made sure that the Printable Directory can be filtered by a saved search to get the desired directory results.
  • Process reports and date ranges: When running the Process Queue, Process Detail, or Process Summary reports with the optional Date Range selection, the results were only showing individuals who were added to a queue during the selected date range. We broadened the results so now these reports also include individuals who were marked as done during the selected date range.
  • Transactions by Category: We removed the ability to save and schedule the 'Transactions by Category' report because we are unable to save and schedule our PDF reports. This report can no longer be saved and instances where it was saved have been removed.
  • Attendance Grouping Summary: We made improvements to the Attendance Grouping Summary report. Now groups with events that have zero attendance, events that haven't recorded attendance, or events that were marked as 'Did Not Meet' show up on the report (provided they have the chosen attendance grouping and fall within the selected date range). We also made sure that events that are marked with 'Did Not Meet' are not included in the 'Times Posted' column so they don't effect the average attendance calculation.
  • Annual Summary by Categories: The Annual Summary by Categories report was incorrectly defaulting to a Custom Date Range in the past. We made sure the Custom Date Range option defaults to the current month and year.
  • Printable Directory: In some instances, based on the birth date entered, a Spouse was not being included in the Printable Directory results. We made sure that Spouses are included regardless of birth date; we also ensured that 'Other' family members are included in the Family Printable Directory.
  • General Improvements, pt. 3: Several Attendance reports (including the Attendance Grouping Summary report) contain summary rows that are expandable to show the underlying data. We've added the > symbol on the left side of the rows to indicate which rows can be clicked on and expanded to show more detail.
  • Data table reports with 500+ rows: Data table reports with over 500 rows are now paginating at 500 rows to ensure quickest load time, filtering, and overall performance. Printing all records was removed in these instances, as the Excel export is more useful for printing reports of this size. Filtering and sorting still work for the entire report within the paginated view.
  • Dynamic report headers: For certain reports, we returned the number of records within the header of the report. Now that number is dynamic so it adjusts based on your filtering for easy counting of records.
  • Font size: The font size for our printed reports had become too small. We corrected this so the font size will adjust based on the number of columns in the report. Fewer columns means a larger font, while more columns results in a smaller font when printed.


  • Files in logged-out schedules: When accessing your logged out schedule details, the file names were incorrectly scrolling on top of the footer. They are now snugly tucked into bed in their proper place.
  • Logged out schedule assignments: When responding to schedule assignments from a logged out state, when you had accepted an assignment and then clicked on schedule details for that assignment, you were incorrectly being taken to login. You are now correctly taken to view details of that schedule without needing to log in.


  • Additions to event_profile: We've added new information to the event_profile service. Now the additional elements of <listed> and <public_calendar_listed> will be returned. These can be true or false depending on if the event is listed and on the public calendar.
  • Update_individual: When the update_individual API service was used to update a zip code and an invalid number was added, we were giving a message of 'ZERO_RESULTS'. This was fixed and now if anything other than ZERO_RESULTS is returned in an error condition, the service call will be terminated and an error statement returned.
  • Create_individual: When using the create_individual API service, when the user provided a phone number and campus, it was not formatting the number to match the campus locale setting. This was an issue for international church partners. This is now fixed and numbers match the campus locale.
  • Transaction_detail_type_list: The transaction_detail_type_list API service now makes it easy to list COA categories in the same order as they are displayed in the interface.

Topics: This entry was posted in System Status Announcements, This entry was posted in Release Notes

Posted by Updates Team on Dec 30, 2015 2:58:00 PM