Jan 2018: Tiles & Timeline in the Mobile Preview

This release introduces a brand new Tile and Timeline experience to the Mobile Preview, to help prepare you for The Merge. We're also excited to announce a new way we're handling bug fixes, to serve you faster! These changes will be coming to your sites the morning of Thursday, Feb 08.

We are continung to release improvements to the Mobile Preview so you can get familiar with the new look of profiles before our major software update, The Merge, happens later this year. (If you don't yet know about The Merge, be sure to watch the recording of our Quarterly Software Webinar to see a sneak preview.) Having trouble logging in to the Mobile Preview? You can find the link on your site's login page under the big 'Login' button:

Mobile Preview Login

You can also get into the mobile preview by manually typing it in the URL for your site:


Remember, the Mobile Preview is a sneak peek at our new responsive site, so try it out on a desktop and your phone!

Involvement: The Timeline

We've added a new 'Involvement' tab to the individual profile. This is an area for you to get a picture of how a person is connected in your church, and it respects all of the same privileges as the current browser software experience: you will only see information and data you have permission to see.

At the top of this page, you'll see options for which pieces of information you want to focus on. Today, that includes Giving, Processes, and Forms, but we're building out even more areas in the coming weeks.

On the right you'll see the new Timeline, and as you scroll down the page you'll see the history of a person's involvement in the church.


Involvement: Tiles

On the left side side of the involvement tab, you'll see our new Tiles experience: these tiles give you a deeper look at a person's involvment around a certain area of the software, and it gives you access to some of the key actions you might want to perform related to that area.


The Giving tile lets you see at a glance the person's giving patterns, and also drill into details about any repeating gifts or pledges they have set up. This information is visible to your Master Administrator, Full Financial Admins, the individual, and the Primary Contact and Spouse of the family.

Giving Gifts

You can toggle on the 'Include Family' view to see giving patterns of other members of the family as well.

Family Giving

When you hover over the top right corner of the tile, you can access the actions menu, where you can perform any key tasks related to this area.

Giving Actions


The Process Queues tile gives you an overview of the person's status in process queues on your site, as well as lists any processes or queues they manage.

Process Queues

When you hover over the top right corner of the tile, you can add this person to another Process Queue.

Add to Process


The Forms tile lets you quickly see how many forms a person has filled out, and a list of all the forms that person manages.


When you hover over the top right corner of the tile, you can fill out a form on behalf of this person.

Fill Out Form

Data Service Available: Preferred Number

We are offering a free data service to help you populate the new Preferred Number field. This field is a way for you to indicate which phone number a person prefers to be contacted on, in response to some feedback we received when we removed Contact Number from your sites. If you request this data service, our team will look at the number that used to be set as a person's Contact Number (back in Feb 2017). If they have that same number filled in another phone field on their profile, we will set that phone field as their 'Preferred' number. (For example, if 555-4321 was my Contact Number and 555-4321 is the number in my 'Home' field, then 'Home' will be set as my preferred number.)

Our team will only apply changes to profiles that do not have any preferred number set; we will not override any existing preferred number.

If you'd like to take advantage of this free data service, have your Master Administrator or Support Contact submit a ticket to our Support team.

Bug Fixes Faster

Starting Monday, February 12, we will be releasing batches of bug fixes every week, to make sure that your software experience stays fast and clean. These weekly bug fixes releases will happen on Monday afternoons (MT). You can see a rolling list of bug fixes and filter by feature, on our new Bug Fixes blog. Bookmark it today to stay in the know about how we're cleaning up the software.

Topics: This entry was posted in Software News

Posted by Church Community Builder on Feb 7, 2018 4:13:15 PM