March 25, 2015: Reports In Your Inbox

In addition to Dashboards, we've got two big additions to reporting and a bunch of bug fixes coming March 25.

Saved System Reports

If you ever find yourself running the same reports with the same settings week after week, this one's for you. We're introducing the ability for you to save your setup on nine different system reports for future use, so you can run your key reports with just the click of a button.

When you've set up your report, click Save Report Settings to add the report to your Saved System Reports tab on the main Reports page. From there, just click the name of the report and it'll run exactly the way you set it up!


Right now, nine reports can be saved. These reports provide key giving, serving, and attendance data so you can quickly access the high-level information you need. If you have the administrative privileges that give you access to these reports, then you'll be able to save setups for them.

  • Donor Analysis (Full Financial)
  • Individual Transactions by Category Detail (Full Financial)
  • Individual Transactions List by Amount (Full Financial)
  • Batch Report by Category Summary (Full Financial)
  • Attendance Summary (Full Event, Limited Event)
  • Attendance Summary for Attendance Grouping (Full Event, Limited Event)
  • Individual Attendance Summary (Full Event, Limited Event)
  • Individual Attendance Missed in a Row (Full Event, Limited Event)
  • Schedule Detail (Schedule Admins)

And to make these saved reports more useful, we've changed the date picker on the report setup slightly — there's now a 'quick date range' option that will allow you to choose relative dates like 'this month'.

Scheduled Reports

Now that you've saved your report setup, wouldn't it be great if you could have it sent straight to the inbox of every leader who needs it, on a regular schedule? Yep. You can do that now.


You can schedule a saved report to be emailed out from the Saved System Reports tab of your reports page. Click Schedule Email next to the report you want to get started. From there, you can determine who to send the email to, and how often — weekly or monthly, on a specific day of the week or date of the month. And if you're the only one who needs the report, leave the recipients box blank and only you'll receive it.


When a scheduled report is shared with you, you will receive an email on the scheduled day containing two links for the report: HTML and CSV files. Using these links will take you directly to the report without requiring a login. You will also have regular access to the report through a 'Reports Shared with Me' section of the Saved System Reports tab.


Bug Fixes and Usability Improvements

Events & Attendance

  • Event publishing requests on Essential: For churches using the Essential version of the software, when an event was requested to be published to the church-wide calendar, the link in the request email was taking them to a page where they were told they had to upgrade their software. We've fixed this so the link in their email now takes them to the event page where they can approve that calendar request.
  • Reporting attendance from inactive groups: Attendance reports were not including attendance data from inactive groups, event if attendance had been taken during the report date range. We've fixed this so attendance data from inactive groups is no longer excluded from attendance reports.


  • Check-In Sheet Report: In some rare cases, people with certain individual IDs were not showing up on the form 'Check-in Sheet Report', even if they had filled out the form. We've fixed this so the right form respondents are always included on this report.

People Search

  • People search results from initials: When performing a people search and typing in just the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the last name to return all the people with those initials, the search pulldown was only listing the first 10 people who fit that criteria, rather than giving you the option to View All Results. We've fixed this.


  • Unlisted profile visibility: When a person made their profile unlisted, people on their friends list were still able to see that their profile existed. We've fixed this so unlisted profiles are no longer visible to people on their friends list.

Rooms & Resources

  • Request conflicts: When requesting a room or resource for events, a group leader was able to see if there was a conflict with the room they wanted to use, but they were not able to see which other events were actually causing the conflict. We've fixed this so people can now see the events causing those room conflicts, if they have the appropriate privileges to do so.
  • Repeating events to single occurrences: When a repeating event occurrence was converted to a single occurrence, we were dropping the answers to questions in the associated rooms and resources, leaving many to suspect the work of mischievous wall gnomes. We've fixed this so those room and resource answers are not dropped.

Schedules & Positions

  • Schedule Detail report: The Schedule Detail report was listing people for schedule times even if that position wasn't required to be present for that time. We've fixed this so the schedule detail report only lists people during the times their position is required.

Topics: This entry was posted in Release Notes

Posted by Updates Team on Dec 28, 2015 5:02:59 PM