Mobile Preview: A Peek at New People Pages

In late May we'll be releasing a brand new, mobile-friendly experience to our People Profiles called People: Reimagined. But you don't have to wait until May to see what's coming. Log into your site's Mobile Preview today (on your desktop, tablet, or phone) to explore what our new profiles have to offer.

Accessing the Mobile Preview

 You can find the link on your site's login page under the big 'Login' button:

Mobile Preview Login

You can also get into the mobile preview by manually typing it in the URL for your site:

Remember, the Mobile Preview is a sneak peek at our new responsive site, so try it out on a desktop and your phone!


People Profiles have been completely redesigned to give you an elegant, easy way to get a snap shot of the people in your church, while still being able to dig into all of the details and actions you need to be effective in your ministry. And we've made sure these newly-designed profiles are easy to access and navigate on your desktop, tablet, or phone.

Mobile Preview Overview


This tab gives you access to all the basic and administrative information about a person, including their contact info, information about their family members, custom fields, and more!

Mobile Preview About


We've added a new 'Involvement' tab to the individual profile. This is an area for you to get a picture of how a person is connected in your church, and it respects all of the same privileges as the current browser software experience: you will only see information and data you have permission to see.

At the top of this page, you'll see options for which pieces of information you want to focus on, so you can filter your view to only see the history and details that really matter to you.


On the right you'll see the new Timeline, and as you scroll down the page you'll see the history of a person's involvement in the church. In some rows on the timeline, you can also click to expand and show all of the activity about that specific event.



On the left side side of the Involvement tab, you'll see our new Tiles experience: these tiles give you a deeper look at a person's engagement around a certain area of the software. Oftentimes, you can also toggle on the 'Include Family' option to see the involvement across the entire family.

Involvement Tiles

When you hover over the top right corner of any tile, you'll have the option for addtional actions to perform related to that area of the software.

For details about specific tiles:


This tab lets you see the notes left about a person (and their other family members) from all over the software. And if you have the right permissions, you can also leave a note about a person from this tab, so you can be diligent about sharing vital information with your key leaders and administrators.

Mobile Preview Notes

More Mobile Preview Experiences

This blog is just scratching the surface of all of the new features and functionality that's coming with People: Reimagined. We encourage you to dive into your Mobile Preview and play around (on both your desktop and your phone), and discover all these new profiles have to offer.

And while you're in there, you'll discover a few more experiences we have redesigned and made mobile-friendly:

We'd love to hear your thoughts as you get acquainted with this new People experience.

Be sure to subscribe to this Software News blog to stay in the know about new additions and updates to the software and apps.

Topics: This entry was posted in Software News

Posted by Erin Retka on Apr 5, 2018 8:30:32 AM