Finishing out 2020 strong means eliminating distractions and focusing on the things that matter most. That focus helps you complete the important details that roll up into the bigger picture of what your church is accomplishing. But when your activities or workflows are disjointed, it can cause you to miss tasks, people, and your goals. You need tools that can bring the right things into focus, all within a single workflow, instead of having to jump between different interfaces. With our refreshed Create and Edit Event modals, all your event planning needs are at the forefront, making sure you never miss another detail.
It's All in the Details
There is a lot that goes into event planning and creation for your teams. We wanted to make sure your teams don't miss anything as they are planning the logistics of an event. Bringing Check-In Settings and Attendance Set Up into the event creation process will guarantee additional details are not left out.
Event Alerts
A prerequisite for setting up Attendance and Check-In for an event is making sure to assign an Attendance Grouping. Attendance Groupings can easily be missed during setup, causing events to not show up in Check-In. The software will now alert the event creator that an Attendance Grouping needs to be assigned to the group. Luckily, this won’t break up their workflow or require them to navigate to another page, and gives them the ability to assign an Attendance Grouping to the Group right at that moment.
Customize Your Check-In Experience
Each Check-In experience is unique to the set of events, classrooms, and ministries at your church. To give you the ability to bring that experience into your digital tools, we added some additional settings as well as bringing forward some other settings you may have missed.
Instant Check-In and Pre-check
With the release of the Connection features in the My Church by Pushpay app, churches are able to utilize new check-in features to allow congregants to check into an event two hours prior to when the event starts and checking in instantly without needing a barcode to scan. To support these features, we added two new settings into events to allow churches to customize which events they want to allow for pre-check and instant check-in.
Label Needs
Right within your event creation, you can select the exact type of labels you need for your event, the number of labels you need to be printed per person, as well as the room name you want on the tag. These settings will be unique to the event and will override the Check-In Setup Settings, giving your people the exact check-in experience they need.
Room Ratios and Limits
You may be familiar with these settings already, but adding the ability to set an attendee limit and room ratio during the event creation process will guarantee that you’ll never have more kids per adult or more people than your room can handle.
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