New Check-In Update - Improvements With You In Mind

We told you that the May update of New Check-In was only the beginning to the changes we had planned for Check-In. While we couldn't get you the newest Apple devices (Come on, Jeff!), we could launch updates specifically designed to help you save time and resources for Check-In.

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It's Time to Say 'Goodbye' to Old Schedules and Old Positions

At the end of the day on December 3, 2019, we will permanently turn off the old groups-based scheduling and positions functionality in the remaining instances of Church Community Builder that have not yet off-ramped.

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Announcing Worship Team Planning Software - Unifying the Weekend Experience



The right files, MP3s, and chord charts are a must-have for making Sunday . However, sharing all those items with your production team required multiple systems or an out-of-date document separate from your church management software. We saw this need and we responded.  

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New Check-In is Here!

Our New Check-In is here and live for the world to see! These changes are pretty big when it comes to a faster, safer, and more streamlined Check-In process for kids and volunteers!  Here's the rundown of the new enhancements to this mighty tool. 

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