Schedules & Plans — Templates, Reports, and More!

Christmas has come early for your volunteer and worship teams! These recent improvements to New Schedules and Plans will keep your volunteer ministry and worship services running smoothly, while giving your leaders access to all the data and insights they need.

Plan Templates

Your services are a well-oiled machine, and now your service Plans can be too! Plan Templates let you build out the blueprint of the rundown for your weekly gathering, then save and reuse that Plan as a starting point week after week. And because not all services are the same, we’ll even let you create and apply different Plan Templates to different service times within a schedule. Flexibility, meet efficiency!

Plan Templates
Position Details

What's in a name? Well sometimes, not enough information. You can now include a description and number of needed volunteers for each of your positions. This will allow potential volunteers to sign up for a position that has the biggest need or best fits their skills and abilities.

Position Details description and volunteers wanted
New Schedule Reports

Good data drives good decisions. That’s why one of the most important enhancements in the New Schedules & Plans feature is in-depth, comprehensive reports. With customizable filters, columns, and sort options that let you hone in on exactly the data you want to see, and new Report Actions that allow you to export all data into a CSV and send a message to everyone who is listed on the report results, these Schedule Reports give you the information you need, how you need it, to get a complete picture of your volunteer ministry.

New Schedule Reports
  • Assignments: Status update! See everyone who’s been assigned to a schedule within a given time frame and what their volunteer status was.
  • Organizers: Who’s the boss? Get a list of all Category, Schedule, and Team organizers.
  • Positions: Focus your recruiting efforts on the biggest needs. See a list of all your positions and how many volunteers are still needed in that area. This report also includes our new Position Details, so you can print out a list of all available positions with descriptions for potential volunteers to review.
  • Schedules & Statuses: Get a birds-eye view of your schedules, seeing a summary of your volunteer statuses across all your positions and categories. This is a great report to see the overall trends of your various ministries and positions.
  • Volunteers: Know your people. The Volunteers report lists everyone who is filling a position and their serving history, preferences, block outs, and contact information.

Song Versions

Every worship leader has their own unique style, and now, your song library can too! Introducing Song Versions. You can now save different arrangements of your songs for use with special services, different leaders, etc.. These song variations can have a different key, tempo, or time signature, and because they use the same CCLI number as the original, your new versions won't count against your CCLI download limit.

Song Versions
File Management

Between song mp3s, chord charts, Sunday School handouts, and schedule attachments, your Schedules & Plans feature can fill up with The new "All Files" tab will let your admins quickly search through, browse, and manage all of your Schedule files. 

Schedules and Plans Files

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Topics: This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in Volunteer Ministry, This entry was posted in Release Notes, This entry was posted in Worship Planning

Posted by Bobbie Jo Berry on Dec 3, 2019 9:32:54 AM