5 Ways to Prepare for Our New Check-In Feature

Our New Check-In is now available, allowing both the old Check-In and New Check-In to run at the same time. This will give your team time to make sure everything is in place to create the best experience for your families, guests, and volunteers. So what should you do before you make the switch? We put together a shortlist to help you saygoodbye" to the old andhello" to the new!

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Why are there deceased donors on giving statements?

There is perhaps no greater pain in life than losing someone you care dearly for. Scripture promises the hope of a day when all those who grieve will be comforted and “death shall be no more” (Rev 21:4). It’s a beautiful vision, to be sure, but one we’re still waiting for.

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September 2016: Improved Security and Scheduling

This month's release is going to introduce new features and redesigns that will provide a better and more secure online giving experience, and ease your Sunday morning stress with improved volunteer management tools. This upcoming Thursday, September 8, we'll be rolling out these exciting new changes — and we think you're going to love them.

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Scheduling. Completely Redesigned.

We're redesigning scheduling… and we think you’re going to love it. On September 8, all standard and deluxe versions of the software will have access to a new and improved scheduling interface that will empower leaders and inspire volunteers to greater levels of engagement.

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