Discontinued Support for RC4 Ciphers

We are committed to providing you with the most secure experience using the Church Community Builder software. To better that security, on February 4, 2016 we will be discontinuing support for RC4 ciphers.

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February 2016: Continuing to Improve Your Experience

Late last year we told you about our bug-eradicating mission, and we're still going strong. February 3 is bringing even more fixes and small improvements to your software experience.

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New Preferred Service Provider:Vanco Payment Solutions

We’re pleased to introduce our new partnership with Vanco Payment Solutions, a U.S. market leader focused on serving more than 20,000 churches and their communities with innovative e-Giving solutions. Vanco’s full e-Giving suite can seamlessly integrate with your Church Community Builder site to streamline donation processing and simplify administrative tasks so you can more effectively manage your operations and your mission.

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New Preferred Service Provider:Render Virtual Webmaster Services

You know you need a website. For many first-time visitors to your church, your site is the first interaction they have with you — your digital front door, through which they’ll start forming their impressions about you and your faith community. That’s too important to only be maximized by the churches with computer programmers, graphic designers, or secret WordPress gurus on staff.

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