We’re happy to introduce our new partnership with Protect My Ministry, a full service background screening company that offers volunteer-based organizations a one-stop shop for background checks, paperless solutions, and child safety training. Protect My Ministry is the industry leader for church background checks, serving 3 of the top 5 largest churches in America and 50% of the largest 25.
The signup period for this beta cycle is now closed. Thank you for your interest!
Update: Oct 2, 2015, 12:05pm (MDT): Our engineers have devised a workaround for this issue and text messages are once again being successfuly received by Verizon and T-Mobile users. Unfortunately, because we still have no control over the way these carriers treat our messages, something else could change that once again prevents those messages from being delivered. Because of this, we continue to recommend a backup plan for critical text messages sent through the system.
Updated 9.15.15: Attention iOS users! Wednesday, September 16, iOS 9 is coming out. We have not yet had a chance to fully test for the new iOS, so we are recommending that you wait on downloading this update until further notice. Thank you!