New Check-In Update - Improvements With You In Mind

We told you that the May update of New Check-In was only the beginning to the changes we had planned for Check-In. While we couldn't get you the newest Apple devices (Come on, Jeff!), we could launch updates specifically designed to help you save time and resources for Check-In.

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New Check-In is Here!

Our New Check-In is here and live for the world to see! These changes are pretty big when it comes to a faster, safer, and more streamlined Check-In process for kids and volunteers!  Here's the rundown of the new enhancements to this mighty tool. 

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5 Ways to Prepare for Our New Check-In Feature

Our New Check-In is now available, allowing both the old Check-In and New Check-In to run at the same time. This will give your team time to make sure everything is in place to create the best experience for your families, guests, and volunteers. So what should you do before you make the switch? We put together a shortlist to help you saygoodbye" to the old andhello" to the new!

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