Service Interruptions August 22, 2017

On the evening of August 22, 2017 at approximately 7:38pm MDT, we became aware of the inability for roughly 13% of our church partners to log in to Church Community Builder sites. We immediately started investigating the cause and after following our process of diagnosis, we identified the problem was due to a hardware failure on one of our primary database servers. As is protocol, our engineers began the process of rerouting those church partners to one of our secondary database servers and sites became accessible again at approximately 8:09pm MDT.

Throughout the night we made some optimizations to the church sites in question and some churches may have experienced an additional minute of inaccessibility between the hours of 10pm MDT and 3am MDT. We understand the criticality of availability and the impact of an outage and we are extremely grateful for your patience. As with every service incident, we will study our procedures for any areas we can improve our service to you. Thank you so much for partnering with us!

To receive updates when we are having technical difficulties, follow our Twitter account @CCBTech.

Topics: This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in System Status Announcements

Posted by Updates Team on August 23, 2017