People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

A discipleship opportunity many of us miss

At this year’s Gospel Coalition National Women’s Conference, Jennie Allen sat down with Mary Mohler and Jani Ortlund to talk about discipleship. You can check out their entire discussion here.

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Want to make people feel valued? Record what you know about them

At Church Community Builder, we talk a lot about how technology can improve the way you do ministry. While technology makes capturing data, numbers, and trends easier, if we’re only tracking numbers, we can easily slip into a catch and release ministry mentality that doesn’t make people feel valued. My friend Chris Mavity cautioned against this and gave several ways your church can break the system of approaching ministry like a fishing experience. Chris explained that the only real way for effective long-term ministry is to value your members as people.

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9 measures of church member engagement

Every Monday morning the Church Community Builder leadership team gathers to review our numbers from the previous week. Like you, we are passionate about what we do because of the chance to make an impact in this world we live in. The stories we hear about churches we have helped is what truly inspires us, not numbers, statistics, and data.

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Should we stop planting churches?

I recently read an article from Connie Jakab which really caught my eye and captured my imagination. She said we should stop planting churches and start planting people. Here is a statement that hurts and yet inspires.

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