People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

Four tips to ‘lead up’ with people who don’t value technology

Here’s a principle I’ve come to learn after working with hundreds of churches across the country: the effectiveness of technology in ministry is directly dependent on how many people actually USE IT!

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The Church Leader’s Role with Technology

Few people in a local church have a more important role in leveraging technology to make a greater ministry impact than those who lead it. Yes, Lead Pastors and Executive Pastors, I am talking to you! While you may not directly deal with the day-to-day management of your church software, you set the pace for those who do.

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How to increase your effectiveness with church management software

Here’s the catch-22 when it comes to leveraging technology and implementing tools that can help your church improve it’s ministry:

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How to avoid common first-impression mistakes

Did you know that only 10 percent of first-time guests become regular attendees? That means if 10 new families visited your church each week, only one of them would stick. Think about how that impacts church growth. Even if you improved retention to 50 percent, that could potentially add over 200 new families to your church each year.

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