People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

Missing People — Do you know who they are?

The larger the church the more likely you are to have missing people. These are individuals and families who were active in various areas of your ministry who have -- in a sense -- disappeared. They just stopped coming. They stopped volunteering. They stopped giving.

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Tony Morgan and the next “Leisure Suit” eBook

Tony Morgan just released the second of four eBooks in his Leisure Suit Series. This is an excerpt from the introduction:

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CCB Partner shares their ChMS decision-making process

It is very rare for someone to be as transparent as Jonathan Puddle has been in Choosing a ChMS vendor. We are grateful that the evaluation process ultimately led him to partner with Church Community Builder. I've been in the software and technology sectors for some time. I am familiar with many different approaches organizations take when it comes to changing software that drives their business (e.g. ERP or enterprise resource planning). Churches rarely approach technology decisions in the same way. Jonathan's blog post can serve as a great model for other churches to consider. The approach was thorough, systematic and leadership-driven.

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Church Technology 101: The purpose of your ChMS

I recently had the opportunity to guest post for my friends Bryan and Shannon Miles who own a company called Miles Advisory Group. They asked me to record a quick video answering the question: What is a ChMS?

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