People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

Guest Post: What makes Church Community Builder different

(Note: This is a guest post from Sean Buchanan, a key member of our sales team. He recently shared with me some observations he’s been thinking through in light of the seismic changes taking place within the church software marketplace and what impact it should have or not have on Church Community Builder.)

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Moving from “many to one” in our engagement strategy

I enjoy reading blog posts from people outside my core discipline. It exposes me to new ideas and helps me see things I may not have noticed before. One post that made a particular impression on me was No direct relationships = No future.

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Relationships key to maximizing ministry impact

I love holiday weekends. They give me a chance to spend some with my family, time that becomes more precious to me as I get older. It won’t be many years before my boys will be grown and on their own. My oldest just finished Middle School this week...YIKES! Our relationship will change over time, but I’ll still be their Dad. Tara and I are intentional about making the most of the time we have together now.

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Tim Stevens inspires me

I was really inspired by a recent post by Tim Stevens about their most recent initiative: It’s a Project, Not A Campaign. Tim is a leader among church leaders, and he also is a great pastor to Granger Community Church.

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