It’s been a while since we released Getting Disciple Making Right: Leveraging Technology to Grow Disciples.” The spirit of this eBook was about making a connection for the senior church leader between ministry and technology.

There is certainly an art to growing disciples because the central figure in the process is people. People grown, learn, and develop in different ways. However, there is also a science to it. We should be able to know if what we’re doing is making an impact, or at the very least moving us closer to our ultimate goal.

For so many years, we've witnessed churches use their ChMS merely as a collection device to mailing information and contribution details. If that’s all you need to do, Download your free copy of "Getting Disciple Making Right" you might want to check out a simple database or spreadsheet solution. ChMS is designed - or should be - to faciliate and foster community. As you build community, you fund ministry and make disciples.

"There is certainly an art to growing disciples because the central figure in the process is people"

This eBook has significantly helped shaped our conversations with church leaders. It has become a central part of how we engage churches and talk about the intersection of technology and ministry. In fact, we’ve received so much positive feedback, we’re beginning to work on a second one.



If you haven’t read “Getting Disciple Making Right,” you can do that here. And when you’re finished, let us know what you thought. We’d love to hear your feedback.


There's always a next step:

Find out how technology can help you leverage data and build those essential relationships to better discover the gifts within your members in our ebook, "Getting Disciple Making Right."