If your church staff is split between "digital natives," "digital adopters," and those that have never heard the language, you’re not alone. Churches of various shapes and sizes are struggling to keep pace with social technology and how it intersects with doing church. Please don't feel like you're alone! But it doesn't mean you have a "get out of jail" free card, either.

Technology is something you're going to have to come to grips with and integrate into how you operate as a staff and communicate as a church.

"...technology can help accelerate and scale good strategies in powerful ways."

Add to that complexity the reality that doing church is no longer limited to on-campus events but can also mean small groups and multisite campuses scattered across a city or region. How do you unify everyone and everything without driving yourself crazy? This is the heartbeat behind Church Community Builder. Our founders, Chris Fowler and Free Grafton, didn't start Church Community Builder because they loved technology; they started Church Community Builder because they were passionate about helping churches "do church better." They also believe technology can help accelerate and scale good strategies in powerful ways. This is our goal at Church Community Builder... to provide an amazing system which can empower the processes that drive ministry.

Based on our daily conversations with churches all over the globe, here are four expectations we MUST meet as we align Church Community Builder's technology with ministry processes:

Better communication

Leaders want one streamlined tool through which communication is unified and organized in a very targeted fashion. Shotgun messaging is no longer acceptable.

Better accountability

Whether it is finances, time, or people, church leaders want to aggregate data for better accountability, decision making, and intelligence about what's working and what's not.

Improved metrics

Leaders want easy access to their data and the ability to manipulate that data through standard and ad hoc reports as needed. A robust Church Management Software (ChMS) which eliminates data silos ensures an accurate and complete picture is cast.

Increased awareness of impact

Church leaders feel the pressure to communicate more clearly and specifically to their church members. The more access you give to individuals, the more you transfer ownership and buy-in. This often translates into a larger church "core" and greater impact.


What other expectations do you have from your ChMS? How does your ChMS help you do church better?

There's always a next step:

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