There’s no denying the impact technology has made in the way we do ministry, especially over the past two decades. And no one knows that more than a multi-site campus pastor. Without technology, we would have never been able to live stream a service across multiple venues or communicate effectively between campuses. However, this technology has created a whole new set of questions the Church has been forced to answer.

As a multi-site pastor, your position is unique. Not only are you responsible for leading your specific campus, staff, and volunteers, but you’re also responsible for ensuring the overall direction of your church is in line with other campuses that you’re not directly responsible for. Balancing these two responsibilities is just one of the things that make being a multi-site pastor so unique.

" way technology helps your multi-site church effectively reach your community is by helping you more easily implement up-and-coming trends and ideas"

Thankfully, the same technology that allowed for multi-site campuses in the first place can be a tool for solving these issues and helping your campus continue to grow deeper and wider. Here are three things every multi-site pastor should know about using technology for effective ministry:

1. Technology maximizes the key ingredients for multi-site success.

There are a lot of things that go into making a multi-site location successful. One of these key ingredients lies in your ability to navigate what should be unique for your campus and what needs to be consistent with other campuses. With the right technology, each campus can run location-specific reports or roll them up for easy church-wide executive reporting. This helps you identify the ministry opportunities your specific multi-site location should consider compared to other campuses.

2. Technology makes it easy to implement the latest multi-site trends.

The trends in multi-site church operations seem to develop just as quickly as the trend ""Thankfully, the same technology that allowed for multi-site campuses in the first place can be a tool for solving these issues and helping your campus continue to grow deeper and wider." of multi-site churches itself! One way technology helps your multi-site church effectively reach your community is by helping you more easily implement up-and-coming trends and ideas. For instance, many multi-site churches are moving their Sunday school classes from a traditional Sunday morning schedule to a weekday meeting time. Without the proper technology, making this transition would be extremely difficult.

Effective church management software can make that transition exponentially easier, as well as most any multi-site trend your church would consider implementing.


3. Technology can provide you with the information you need to grow strategically.

If your church has already made the decision to become a multi-site church, I think it’s safe to assume that there’s more potential to grow into different areas in your community. But how do you know where to go? Where should you open up your next campus? Your church management software can play a crucial role in helping your church determine the future direction of its ministry by providing you with useful data about where a new campus might thrive.

  1. Technology can help you find a solution for every question you need to answer before going multi-site — if you know how to find the information.

  2. Multi-site Pastors: How has your church management software made a difference in your campus ministry?

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