Take a moment for some honest reflection. What was the last piece of new technology you implemented at your church, and why did you implement it? Was it a success or a largely unadopted failure? Why?

Here’s the deal ... technology only amplifies the strengths and weaknesses of the way you operate as an organization. No matter how powerful an app, device, or software solution, it is only truly valuable when you invest the time to develop the right systems and processes needed to support your long-term goals.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just scrap technology altogether and go back to simpler times? After all, that Rolodex worked pretty well, didn’t it?

Absolutely not!

"...technology only amplifies the strengths and weaknesses of the way you operate as an organization."

If you only view technology through a lens of getting tasks accomplished, you will miss out on most of the impact it can have on your organization. However, if you approach it as a way to knit your strategies together in a holistic fashion, here are five ways it can improve your culture:


1. Erradicate vacuums.

If you’re like most churches, your critical ministry data sits in so many different places that no one knows where the right information is. A sophisticated database solution can eliminate these vacuums and be a catalyst for a well-oiled, seamlessly aligned church.

2. Empower accountability.

If you’re like most churches, your critical ministry data sits in so many different places that no one knows where the right information is. A sophisticated database solution can eliminate these vacuums and be a catalyst for a well-oiled, seamlessly aligned church.

3. Equip leaders.

Imagine how much more effective a small group leader is when she has a tool that helps her see individual attendance patterns over time. When she can see a change in pattern, she is now equipped to go find out what caused it and take appropriate action. In the process, she is leading well and serving her group more effectively.

4. Erase guesswork.

When data is scattered in a variety of different tools, spreadsheets, or people’s heads, you can only guess when it comes to engagement levels and church health measures. Kingdom ministry is too important to leave to guesswork, even if it is informed by your observations and perceptions. Getting all of your critical information into a single, core system allows you to have much more clarity about the effectiveness of your ministries.


5. Eliminate apathy.

A comprehensive church management system will allow you to get proactive and personal in your approach to church engagement. As a result, people will be far more likely to be passionate members of your church and contributors to the larger community around them.

Intuitive technology alone won’t bring more people to your church to move them into a deeper relationship with Christ. You’ve got to invest in the right systems and processes first. When you do this right, however, the impact on your culture — and community — will be exponential!

Do you view your church technology through the lens of tasks or culture? How has that worked out for you


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