Mobile technology has revolutionized how we do everything these days, even ministry. Administrative and people-management tasks that were once monotonous and labor-intensive are now quick, easy, and accessible from anywhere, at any time. Mobile technology has become ingrained in our culture, presenting us with a unique opportunity to maximize our connections with people like never before.

So how, specifically, can mobile technology be leveraged to enhance ministry?

1. Take your ministry out from behind a desk.

We know real ministry doesn’t happen in front of your computer screen. It’s in the grocery store, that hospital visit, the prayer time in the coffee shop, "...information can play a key role in your leaders providing the right level of attention and care." the small group meeting at your neighbor’s house… whether it’s a chance encounter or an intentional meeting, your leaders are growing and discipling their people with every interaction. With mobile tools at your fingertips, you can document those events to keep track of your people.

2. Easily access vital information.

Your Church Management Software probably houses a wealth of valuable information to help you see the picture of where someone is on their journey with Christ. And that information can play a key role in your leaders providing the right level of attention and care. Mobile technology can put those stories in your pocket so you are fully equipped to lead well.

"Mobile technology has revolutionized how we do everything these days, even ministry..."

3. Meet your people where they are.

Let’s face it, for most of your members, their phone is never more than a reach away. And for better or worse, it probably has a lot of their attention. Take advantage of that attention and target key communication to them using email and text messages, where you know they’ll see it.

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Looking for that mobile tool to help you connect with your people and grow them as disciples?


This brand new app from Church Community Builder lets you take your ministry with you wherever you go. The Lead app will equip your leaders with the information and tools they need to understand their people and see their patterns of connection and involvement to better disciple them.

Want to learn more?

Check out the Lead app to see all the ways it can help you make your ministry mobile.