“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” —Ephesians 4:11–12 (emphasis added)

This is a verse that has inspired and focused us at Church Community Builder since our inception. From the very first Filemaker Pro database, to what exists today, we have always been driven to provide technology which "equips the saints"

"Equipping the saints starts by valuing community, becuase you have to understand that true life change only happens in the context of community."

From the very first Filemaker Pro database we ever created for a church to all the solutions we provide today, the Church Community Builder team has been focused on one key aim — to provide technology that equips the saints for ministry.

Our inspiration comes from Ephesians 4:

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

That’s what everything we do here at Church Community Builder is about: helping you equip the people of your church to better carry the Gospel of Christ to their world. It needs to be what your role boils down to as well. We know that as a church leader, your list of responsibilities and duties can seem endless. But you can’t ignore that equipping the people for ministry and service is one of the key things you have to be doing.

Equipping the saints starts by valuing community, because you have to understand that true life change only happens in the context of community. Your people can’t be fully prepared and equipped to do the works God’s prepared for them to do if they’re trying to go it alone. Jesus certainly modeled this approach, as He spent the majority of His time on earth gathering together a group of men who would support His ministry and carry it forward after He was gone.

Once you know, and fully believe, that equipping the saints happens best in community, the next question becomes “How do we build community in a way that helps equip the saints for ministry?” That boils down to two words: knowing and valuing.

  • You need to know who’s sitting in your worship experiences week after week.
  • You need to know their interests, their gifts, their passions, and their experiences.
  • You need to invite your members into ministries that fit their gifts, and show you value the unique contributions they can make.
  • You need to celebrate the service and sacrifices of those who already serve in ministry.
  • You need to ensure everyone in your church is engaged and growing in their journey with Christ.

If equipping the saints for ministry comes down to knowing and valuing, how do we do that? There are two options:

1. We can try to gather, record, communicate, and act upon all of the information manually.

2. We can harness the power of technology to do all that practically, systematically, and consistently.


As a church leader, you don’t have the time to sit down and type information about your people into a spreadsheet and monitor your interactions with them. If your church is growing at the rate you’re praying for, no one does.

That’s where technology becomes your secret weapon for ministry effectiveness. Technology helps "Technology becomes your secret weapon for ministry effectiveness" us equip the saints by letting you record and act upon what you know about people. It also guarantees that your church is doing everything it can to make sure people feel valued, because their absence is not going unnoticed. Finally, technology helps you enhance the type of community that leads to transformation by equipping your leaders and connecting your members in new ways.

Whatever your role in the church may be, you can’t ignore your responsibility to equip the saints for God’s work. It’s the way He designed the church to operate, and the way the church will truly change the world.

How is your church leveraging technology to equip the saints for ministry? How can we help?

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