By now, we all know that online giving is on the rise. As more and more people go cashless, it’s simply the natural thing to do. However, we believe there is still a general lack of awareness about how online giving helps church leaders connect with people on a deeper level. Giving habits can provide us with a view into a person’s spiritual growth, ministry commitment, life situation, and more. Yet, many churches manage the online giving process separately from the critical system which manages the relationships in their church ... the church management system. This is a missed opportunity!

At Church Community Builder, we’ve seen time and time again that when churches integrate their online giving with their church management software, they experience a measurable increase in online giving participation and greater clarity about the people in their midst.

"...when you care for people effectively, they tend to give more frequently"

There are several ways a church management system can enhance your church’s ability to cultivate online giving and increase generosity. Here’s just a few to consider:

1. It creates a system to help you track and follow up with first-time givers 

When your church management software and online giving systems aren’t connected, it’s easy to delay the followup process with first-time givers. And this will cost you — not just dollars, but also people.


2. It helps ensure you have an accurate picture of your members, their habits, and measurable trends

When you utilize online giving and consolidate it with your church management software, you’re able to make sure that both you and your church members are aware of their online giving trends.

3. It records information to help connect personally with each individual giver

When you can assess giving habits alongside other involvement indicators like volunteering and attendance, you gain a holistic sense of clarity about people which can help you engage with them at a much more personal level. You also gain a sense of life situations which create opportunities for you to minister to them in ways they never expected.

  • We can try to gather, record, communicate, and act upon all of the information manually.
  • We can leverage technology to do all that practically, systematically, and consistently.

As a church leader, you don’t have the time to sit down and type information into a spreadsheet and monitor when you need to follow up or challenge people to go deeper. If your church is growing at the rate you’re praying for, no one does.

Here’s the bottom line: By connecting your Online Giving processFind out more about the benefits of having your online giving and church management software integrated here. with your church management system, you increase your ability to better care for your people. And, when you care for people more effectively, they tend to give more frequently. Isn’t that an outcome worth working towards?

Is your online giving experience disconnected from your church management system? Why?

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