Church Community Builder Brings Christmas to Mary's Home


Church Community Builder and its associates have a unique connection with ‘Mary’s Home’ in Colorado Springs. Mary's Home provides transitional housing for homeless single moms, most of whom have been living on the street or out of their cars as a result of domestic violence or circumstantial hardship. 


Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.' — James 1:27


Beacuse the heart of our company rests on making a tangible difference to improve the conditions for orphans, widows, and vulnerable single parent families we have decided to ‘Bring Christmas to Mary’s Home’ each December.

As a part of the "Bring Christmas to Mary's Home" initiative we assemble Christmas Kits for each family every year. The kits include a Christmas tree, ornaments, garland, and stockings for the children.

The highlight during this time is definitely the Christmas party, complete with Santa, Buddy the Elf, crafts, and cookie decorating! We help transform Mary’s Home into a beautiful "Christmas wonderland." Even the outside lights help the building reflect the hope of the season and transformation of lives through the opportunities Mary’s Home provides for these special moms. With all the decorations and merriment, we believe the best part of the day is taking photos of each family. Rarely have any of these families had their photo taken. It's a keepsake for which the mothers are immensely appreciative.

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Often the only option for these mothers is life on the street. And that's not cheap. The cost of homelessness to our community is around $57,000 per person each year. Mary’s Home costs are significantly less and with better outcomes.


"It was amazing to see the joy in the eyes of the children as they got their photos taken with Santa. All in all, I felt like the one who was more affected by the event. From tree trimming to cookie making, it was a memorable experience. I'm so thankful to work at a place that cares about living out our callings as Christians." - Michael Rowe, Church Community Builder.


In addition, we provide Christmas dinner baskets to each family after the event. Each family at Church Community Builder donates $10 for the baskets. The baskets included a ham or turkey and other food items for dinner, along with a grocery gift card for them to purchase perishable items.

There is no way to describe the vulnerabilty and the fear that alot of these families live in on a daily basis. Through the opportunity that Mary's Home is providing, these mothers and their families are reminded that they are loved,  cared for, valued, and that there is always hope.

We are so thankful to have the opportunity to play a small part in such a grand picture our Lord is painting.

Topics: This entry was posted in Missions & Outreach

Posted by Church Community Builder on December 01, 2016