Multiplying Your Ministry


We’ve been called to equip. We know it; you know it. It’s kind of our thing. But when it comes to our leaders, we can often miss the mark, dedicating our most valuable resource – our time – to the issues and responsibilities we perceive to be more pressing.

But what’s more important than stewarding those that will lead the future of our church?

Because try as you might to push toward your goals of growing your church and reaching more lives, you find yourself running up against the same barriers again and again. You can continue to push through on your own … or you can reach out to those who are more experienced in silencing the noise and clearing paths.

Coaching allows us to develop both skills and character in our leaders, all while staying engaged in ministry. And rather than giving advice, a coach will ask the powerful questions that draw out what God has put in.

And when you have someone who’s ‘been-there-and-done-that’ guide you with their experience, you learn practical ways to develop your leaders and multiply your ministry.

Here are four ways coaching can help you build a thriving ministry:

1. Reach Your Goals

A coach can help clear the clutter created by the day-to-day management of ministry, redirecting focus to your purpose, offer another perspective to give clarity, and guide you through the steps you need to take to reach your goals.

2. Help Develop Others

This goes back to our calling to equip. A coach can equip us with the tools we need to help develop the gifts within ourselves and others for the betterment of our church and ministry.

3. Ask The Right Questions

A coach not only helps shoulder the weight of shared goals, but also serves to remind us that it’s about asking the right questions, not having all the right answers. 

4. Work Smarter

When you can lean on someone to help grow and develop your leaders, it gives your schedule the wiggle room it desperately needs to spread your love, time and attention around to other matters of ministry.

Sometimes, we can find it difficult to know when to ask for help or guidance. It’s humbling, and as leaders, we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to be all things to all people at all times. But if we can learn to rely on others to help carry the load – allowing them to equip us – we can be better, more effective and more efficient stewards for God.

Topics: This entry was posted in Church Leader Coaching

Posted by Church Community Builder on November 27, 2016