Church Community Builder Core Value: Give More Than You Take


Church Community Builder is a really awesome place to work. The people I have the privilege of working alongside each day are truly fantastic. So is our culture! We really are a group of people that collectively love what we do and have a blast doing it. But as I look over much of our communication to our church partners, I’m afraid we come across as ... well, kind of dry. Really ‘corporate’ sounding — and man, that’s the last thing we are!

Church Community Builder is a place where people are fired up about not only helping church leaders multiply their ministry efforts but also about working towards something bigger than ourselves. We want to create a company that not only does great work to advance the Kingdom, but also gives back to the world what God has blessed us with. I shared some of those things earlier, but I want to do a deeper dive into what really fuels us here at Church Community Builder — our corporate values. They’re not just framed words on a wall around here; they’re the reason we show up every day.

Give More Than You Take

Our core value of ‘Give More Than You Take’ is really about gratitude — for our team, for our workplace, for our lives in whatever state they may be. Gratitude really is a game changer. By taking the focus off the crisis of the moment (and we’re like any other workplace — we’ve got them!) and thinking about the many reasons we have to be grateful, we’re in a much better place of peace and calm to tackle those crises. And we all know that peaceful people are a lot more fun to be around in a crisis!

We’re also focused on helping each other succeed. We want to rally around each other in tough times, and as a team run towards each other’s problems to help solve them. Too many people I talk with have been part of organizations where throwing people under the bus is the norm, and that’s not what we’re about. We want our team members to succeed, and we don’t really care who gets the credit. It sounds like a cliché, but it really is how we work around here.

Because we’re focused on helping each other succeed, we value the act of being generous with each other. We share our time, our knowledge, our skills, and our enthusiasm with each other as much as we can. We have too much to do to waste time politicking or being territorial, and we care too much about each other to do business this way. Approaching our work any other way than through a lens of generosity costs too much. Sounds crazy, but it’s true.

I’ll be unpacking our other corporate values in some upcoming posts, but I’d love to know — how does generosity play into the day-to-day reality for your church staff?

Topics: This entry was posted in Leadership Roles, This entry was posted in Blog

Posted by Steve Caton on March 03, 2016