Who Will Notice If We’re Gone?


I know this is just my opinion, but I believe we do some really awesome work here at Church Community Builder. I’m constantly impressed by the work our people do innovating new solutions and supporting our church partners. I like to think that if, for some reason, we disappeared tomorrow, the church leaders we serve would feel our loss. (They’d get over it, I know — I’m not under any illusions that we’re that important! But I do like to think that they wouldn’t like their new software partner as much as they liked us....)

But beyond the work we do helping churches make and grow disciples, I’m also incredibly proud of the work we do serving the people Jesus called “the least of these.”

Here in Colorado Springs, we partner with Mary’s Home, which provides safe housing and job training for single mothers and their families. We’ve helped with renovation projects in the apartment complex where these moms live and taken groceries into the surrounding neighborhoods and prayed with the families living there. We’ve taken the Mary’s Home families turkeys at Thanksgiving and holiday decorations at Christmas. A large number of our Church Community Builder associates participate and bring their whole families to these projects. It’s been a huge blessing for all of us.

We also partner with Springs Rescue Mission (SRM), an amazing group of people who are helping the homeless here in Colorado Springs. The staff at SRM direct us to where they have the greatest need at any given time, so our staff has helped serve meals or work in the SRM thrift shop where those in need can come in to get clothing items or food. SRM recently bought a local hotel facility and renovated it so those in their recovery programs have a safe place to stay while they’re building a new kind of life. We’ve been honored to serve alongside their teams.

Internationally, Church Community Builder partners with One Child Matters, a Colorado Springs–based ministry that helps meet the physical and spiritual needs of kids around the world through a child-sponsorship model. We have been blessed to support an orphanage for infants who’ve been abandoned in the streets. The staff at this orphanage rescue these children and bring them back to health so they can be adopted into loving families, and we provide the financial support for the entire program. It’s a pretty incredible opportunity we’ve been given to help there.

If Church Community Builder disappeared tomorrow, I think our clients would feel the loss. But I know that these partners in ministry most definitely would miss us.

I’m not sharing these things so you’ll be more impressed with our company. Not at all. These are things we do because God has called us to do them, not because we think they will make us ‘look good’ or get us more business. We do them because we love God, He blesses us constantly, and we want to be obedient to what He’s called us to do.

And I know, as a church leader, you are passionate about doing the exact same thing in the communities you serve — both across the street and around the world. But you can’t do it alone. I’d encourage you to ask your fellow leaders and your congregation: Who would miss us if we shut the doors? Are we connecting with those around us in ways that matter? If we stopped, would they know it? Would they feel it?

Tell me — who will miss your church when you’re gone?

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Posted by Steve Caton on March 01, 2016