How Coaching Helps You Push Through Barriers


You probably know the feeling.

You’ve been pushing towards your goals as a church leader, working through the struggles and the challenges that come with trying to grow your church and reach more lives. But you reach the point where all your past strategies and techniques just don’t get the job done anymore. You’re running up against the same barriers again and again, and you’re starting to lose steam.

You’ve got two choices: continue trying to push through the barriers you’re facing on your own, or reach out for the people who can help you break those barriers down.

(Can you guess which option we’re going to advocate? Most likely!)

Partnering with a ministry coach and a church management software can be the key you need to help you push through the barriers you’re facing in your ministry leadership. Coaches can address those barriers in several very specific ways:

  • Understand and manage your emotions. Sometimes the biggest barrier to your ministry success is facing you in the mirror each morning. Talking through your ministry challenges with a coach who’s a few years further into their ministry journey than you can help you better understand how your own experiences and emotions could be blocking your progress. A coach can also share how he or she has worked through their own emotional struggles and can make suggestions that are unique to your situation and your ministry.
  • Clarify your purpose. The day-to-day management of ministry can cloud your memory of why you started your ministry leadership journey in the first place. Without a clear sense of purpose and direction to fuel your ministry efforts, every task can feel like a never-ending struggle. Sharing your journey with a coach invites another perspective into your ministry and your purpose and can give you much-needed clarity around your purpose and the steps you need to take to fulfill it.
  • Renew yourself and your leadership. Ministry can often be a lonely endeavor. It can be difficult to find people and places that are safe spaces to share your struggles and your thoughts. Partnering with a ministry coach can give you that haven to share your challenges, work through them with a trusted individual, and come out of your coaching conversations with a renewed perspective on your leadership and the ways God has uniquely equipped you for such a time as this.

Every leader is going to encounter resistance and barriers on their leadership journey. How you choose to respond to them will dictate how effective your future leadership efforts will be. Partnering with a coach to break through those barriers will keep you in the right mental and emotional space to keep fighting the good fight for ministry for many years in the future.

What barriers have you been coming up against lately? How could a coach help you break through them?

Topics: This entry was posted in Blog

Posted by Church Community Builder on September 07, 2016