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Software is awesome, but we care about so much more. We truly desire to be a value-added part of your life as a church leader.

Partner Webinar Series - New Integrations from Kindrid and ChurchCast

Presenters Include: Ben DeLoach (ChurchCast) and Leighton Cusack (Kindrid)
June 24, 2015

This second quarter of 2015, you’ll first learn about a partner who provides advanced communication tools for churches to keep in touch with members and visitors in a timely and cost-efficient manner. You'll also hear from a company that provides innovative ways to facilitate, communicate, and initiate generosity through their unique Smart Giving product. Join us June 24th as we hear from the leaders of ChurchCast and Kindrid.

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Partner Webinar Series – Three More Integrations

Presenters Include: James Garner (BombBomb), David Thoroughman (MortarStone) and Jax Caroll (BlueFire)
February 18, 2015  

This quarter, we’re hosting a whole new set of webinars from some of our partners. On February 18, you’ll learn about valuable metrics that can help you maintain a healthy church, about the power of comprehensive giving tools, and about how video can be a compelling force to reach out and connect with your community. Join us February 18th as we hear from leaders of BombBomb, MortarStone and BlueFire.

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